Homeschool Skeptics – How To Respond & Keep Calm


Skeptics can really put your homeschooling resolve to the test. Instead of viewing them as a threat, let’s address a few ways in which we can respond and maintain our joy at the same time.

Before delving into our carefully crafted powerhouse answers, we need to consider two very important things. The first is to consider the source and equally crucial, is determining the motive.

The Source

One of the most important aspects of keeping our composure under criticism is to consider where the unsolicited “suggestion” or negative statement is coming from. There is a difference between the nosy neighbor and the exact advice we may get from a close family member. Think about it for a moment, there are things your mother can tell you that no one else would dare to say without the risk of a flat-out punch in the nose. Why? She’s your mother and you know it’s coming from a place; a place of love and genuine concern. This brings us to our second consideration.

The Motive

Basically, WHY is this person criticizing your decision to homeschool? Have they tried to homeschool and failed miserably? Motive can thus be split two ways. The first is that they sincerely feel that homeschooling brings far too much heartache and pain to be worth the effort and they simply wish to spare you the grief. OR They risk looking like fools if you succeed where they did not. You may wish to ask tactful yet probing questions to ascertain their underlined motive and determine whether their level of sincerity is worth the energy to respond in the first place. 

Remember that our close friends and family members may regularly exercise a degree of verbal liberties that would otherwise be viewed as rude and thoughtless. Either way, despite the manner in which the criticism was delivered, we win, when we put emotion aside and look for anything in their statement that could help us improve our current situation. Sometimes the bitter pill has some worth. Once you are sufficiently convinced that their critique and skepticism comes from a place of genuine concern, you may proceed with any of the answers below that fit your particular situation.

>>Insert just about any criticism you’ve heard recently<<  Then you may wish to reply with…

“I appreciate your concern, but we have done our research and feel that homeschooling is the best option for our family.”

“Thank you for your comment. We understand that homeschooling may not be the right choice for everyone, but it is working well for our family.”

“Homeschooling allows us to tailor our child’s education to their individual needs and learning style, which can be difficult in a traditional classroom setting.”

“Homeschooling provides a flexible schedule, which allows us to spend more quality time as a family and pursue other interests outside of schoolwork.”

“We are able to provide a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from negative influences and distractions that may be present in a traditional school setting.”

“Homeschooling allows us to provide a more personalized education and better individual attention for our child, which can help them to thrive academically and personally.”

“Many homeschooled children are successful in college and beyond, and we believe that homeschooling can give our child a strong foundation for their future.”

“We know that homeschooling is not for everyone, but we have found it to be a great fit for our child’s unique learning style and needs.”

“We appreciate your interest and respect your opinion, but we have done our research and feel that homeschooling is the best option for our child’s education.”

“We understand that some people have had negative experiences with homeschooling, but we have found it to be a positive and rewarding experience for our family.”

“We respect your opinion, but we have chosen to homeschool because it allows us to provide a personalized and flexible education for our child.”

Remember, the goal of responding to homeschool critics is not to convince them that homeschooling is the right choice, but to promote understanding and respect for different educational choices. Sarcasm, believe me, may seem like a delectably satisfying choice of words but the “win” you feel has a very short life span. Take it from this former self-professed King of Wit who has put his foot in his mouth so many times, his breath smelled like shoe polish. I wasn’t “winning”. There is always room for kindness.  It’s important to remain positive, confident, and respectful in order to build positive relationships with those who may have different opinions or beliefs. Stay joyful at all costs. Joy is infectious and your children will always appreciate your calm and collected demeanor. Continue to teach them with confidence, despite what others may say. You know you made the right choice!


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Marc Guillemette

Marc Guillemette

As a kindergarten teacher with over 20 years experience, I’ve had plenty of time to test what works and what doesn’t.My sincere wish is that every homeschooling parent becomes the best reading teacher their child will ever know. Equipped with tools and techniques that gets results FAST, moms and dads can feel empowered to teach like a pro. I look forward to sharing everything I know with all of you, Help has arrived!

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